Subdistrict Enok In Figures 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Indragiri Hilir Regency


BPS-Statistitic of Indragiri Hilir Regency is Committed to "NO GRATIFICATION" to Create a Clean and Corruption Free Government

Subdistrict Enok In Figures 2013

Catalog Number : 11020011403
Publication Number : 14030.1306
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 22, 2013
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Publication ""Enok DISTRICT IN FIGURES IN 2013"" is our effort Subdistrict Statistics Coordinators (CWC) in an effort to complement the information needs of statistical data in line with the motion of the pace of development in all areas of life today. We realize that this publication is still far from perfect that may not have been able to meet the needs of data consumers and many weaknesses both with regard to the presentation and quality, therefore its advice and constructive criticism from the readers so we expect for future improvements which will come. With the publication of ""Enoch SUB IN FIGURES IN 2013"" We thank them for the help and guidance of Mr. Head, and all those who took part to provide data information also our thanks are extended to Mr. Head of BPS Indragiri Hilir and his staff are always members hint for the realization of this publication. Happy reading this publication may be beneficial to us all.
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